Category: Music/Television/Movies/Books And Me

So I was so tired yesterday that I pretty much bitched away my night and documented a good part of it in my previous post. I decided to do something about, thus a schedule was born. I wish I had e-mailed it to me so that I could’ve posted it on here. I think I’ll do that tomorrow at work. I dunno, I feel really good about it. I know things don’t always go according to plan, but seeing as how things have been very bleak for me lately, I anticipate that I will not have a hard time following it.

However, I can’t anticipate life’s curve balls, so I will really try my best to follow it. Overall though, I think it’s pretty balanced. There’s a good amount of me time for what I want to do, and plenty of time for studying outside of school. I had forgotten to incorporate my dogs on my first draft so I fitted them on there for the second one. After it was completed I felt pretty bad on how I’m not wit them as much as I would like, but I’m not counting certain times like when they’re inside just lounging and hanging out and I’m doing other things like watching a show or playing a game. That’s more like our living together time. I meant time for them like going for a walk or a jog or taking them to the park for a jog or the dog beach which they really enjoy. I can’t really take them to the beach anymore since the season has changed, and as for the walks, I’m not to eager to take them out for a long walk considering my neighborhood. Still, I would be walking with both of them so I do feel a little safer than say if I were by myself.

Also, there’s activity not just with the mutts, but I’ve incorporated gym time. Albeit, it’s hella early in the morning, but I really need to get my ass to the gym sometime during the week and the only way to incorporate actual fitness time was hella early before work. Going for a walk and or a jog with the dogs can be a workout, but it’s not a high intensity workout that my body needs to achieve some form of weight loss and change in definition. I really want to loose this excess fat I have around my mid-section and start working out my ass. I swear I feel like I’ve lost the plumpness of my ass!

I mentioned earlier something about watching a show or playing a game, and yes, I did incorporate such time in my schedule for just me. I have to be honest, I am selfish, and I need some me time. It’s hard because I really don’t have a lot of time in a day for much of anything. I’m literally squeezing gym time, dog time, study time, me time and some form of eating in there somewhere in 5 hours! How many of you can do that in a five day week and still have time to mange some form of sanity and negate the effects of “burning out”? Do keep in mind that I’m taking 3 classes worth 9 units total, and they’re not easy classes (Introduction to Counseling, U.S. History and Biopsycology)… It’s hard!

After yesterday I had to admit that I felt really overwhelmed. It would be great to just throw in the towel and drop my classes and lounge around, but where would that get me? I’m tired of being stuck in this limbo of not moving forward. I seriously need to just keep on trucking and if I fall down and get a bad grade on a quiz, oh well, work harder and keep on going and study for a better grade. At this point I have no other choice but to literally get A’s on all of my up coming projects and quizzes. I’m not a quitter and I really need to figure out how to successfully fight this battle.

I’ll try to upload or copy/paste my schedule up here tomorrow. At this point I’m violating my time because I should be in bed but oh well, as I said, I can’t predict everything. And although it’s not on the schedule, I’m wanting to get back to my writing (hence the resume of my blog). I always had a good rush of ideas and inspiration when writing so I’m hoping this will liven up my spirit.

I think having the schedule will definitely help me stay on track and keep me there. As I mentioned earlier, I don’t really have much time for anything and it should sit as a good reminder to stop trying to make other stuff happen.  I won’t delve into what “other stuff” means, but just know that whatever it is, I literally have no time for it.

In other news, I’ve been listening to Florence + The Machine and I have to say that I’ve found a new love in tunes. Love me the Florence + The Machine. So many good songs and I’m looking forward to the new album out in November! I had recently downloaded a bunch of new songs so I’ll just jot them down in the beginning. I used to do that with my journal entries in the past (my private journal entries, lol), where I would post at the top of my entry the current songs of the moment so I think I’m gonna start doing that with this too. Instead of starting my post wit the name of the songs and artist, I’m just gonna jot them down at the bottom of the post so that my thoughts don’t begin with music as a thought but rather an actually thought or struggle or however I might be feeling that particular day. I’ll just close with the song or songs of the moment. Perhaps then there might be a better understanding of how my brain is wired. Whatev! I’m tired so it’s time for mimi!

Song of the moment

Florence + The Machine: What the Water Gave Me, Swimming, Howl, Kiss With a Fist, Cosmic Love (and then some)
Metric: Black Sheep
Foster the People: Pumped Up Kicks
Paul Okenfold Feat. Etc.(?): Starry Eyed Suprise
J.Lo: On The Floor (this is my booty workout fitness song, lol)

Things are good… I don’t have anything interesting to say other than things are pretty good! I have this song in my head right now so I’m going to share it, ha ha! But yeah, other than that, things are good! LOL!

Bionic Eyes by Liz Phair

I love my bionic eyes
I love my crystal vision
If there’s anybody out there
Baby I’m not gonna miss ’em

I watch the years go by
These are the same old guys I never had any use for
Beyond the feeling of pleasure
Or the thrill of the fight

I scored again last night
I said thanks for the drinks, nice party
Then I turned out the light

I’ve got timing and attitude
That can get to the baddest dude
That’s when I hypnotize them
With my bionic eyes

As I got older I had to step out of the lines
And make up my own mind
As I got light as a feather they got stiff as a board
I can’t feel any more, but I can fake it forever

It’s easy in the beginning
When I can dazzle them
All night
Make ’em do what you wan’ ’em to
Get ’em running after you
It’s just the same old guys
Wearing the same old ties

As I got older I had to step out of the lines
And make up my own mind
As I got light as a feather they got stiff as a board
I can’t feel any more, but I can fake it forever

I love my bionic eyes
I love my bionic eyes
I love my bionic eyes

If there’s a parallel nation
And I’m a secret weapon
Show me a man you cannot break
And I will show you heaven

As I got older I had to step out of the lines
And make up my own mind
As I got light as a feather they got stiff as a board
I can’t feel any more, but I can fake it forever

Oh my gosh! I’m in pain! Ok, not really! I’m just sore! Oy…

I did a much better workout yesterday! I ran more and I did run more than I ran on Saturday which was good! I think I’m getting better at it! I want to be able to continuiously run for blocks without having to stop to take a walking break! Grr! But yeah, I can’t workout today because I have all my stuff going on… Public Service Work in the am, program at 545 and then meeting at 8! Grr! Busy busy!

But I did kind of had a “workout” at PSW. So we went down this steep hill, only to find out that weren’t going to so shit down there, so we had to hike back up! Ha ha! With my thighs and ass sore, it was a little hard! But I managed! Plus I told myself that this would be my workout of the day so that was good!

 We were in Presidio Park over in Old Town, so it was actually pretty nice! That is not the hill we had to go down, it was some other one, but that is one of the locations we walked through! It was pretty nice to be out in the park too!

I did carry some heavy tree branches and other crap that we had to clear out, so I guess I did some “weight” training too! LOL!

But yeah, it was alright!

I didn’t eat breakfast today because I almost didn’t go to my PSW today! I was so tired that I was almost going to ditch it to sleep in! But at the last minute my mom convinced me that it wouldn’t be such a good idea to be absent and that I should just get up and just push through it! She was right! As soon as I took a shower I was up and pretty ready to go! I’m still a little tired, but it’s a different kind of tired! What, physically tired? Yeah, my body is a little sore!

But anyways, back to food! I didn’t have breakfast. My mom had a crossiant in a ziplock baggie that she was saving and she gave it to me! So I actually took like two bites of that and saved it for lunch time! Then, while at PSW, we didn’t really have a formal lunch, but long occasional breaks here and there, so I ended up munching on the croissant during those breaks! I’m now at Coffeebux! I ordered a lite grande coffee frap! I wanted to get it soy, but they don’t offer them with soy! Dang! I guess fat free will do! Still… I was wanting to give up on milk! But a lot of foods have dairy products in it so I can’t really escape it! I can escape it when it comes to my cereal though!

I don’t know if I mentioned this, but i want to give up on milk! The other day did it for me! I had a bowl of cereal with milk, and after I finished eating it my stomach hurt! I didn’t like that! So yesterday I went off and bought me some soymilk! I bought the Silk Vanilla Soymilk! Not bad! It’s not really milk though, but it is different and not that bad tasting! I personally have always liked milk, but as I said, I have to be stricter on my diet! I want to if I want to reach my goal!

If I don’t like the soymilk thing, then I think I’ll revert back to milk, but I’ll be sticking to Fat-Free/skim milk!

I don’t know what to eat now! I’m thinking of going to Panda, but I’m actually feeling kind of full from the frappuccino! Grr! I guess it would be ok since I haven’t really eaten anything solid, so I don’t know, I’ll think about it some more!

The thing that I’m really trying to do is work on how much I eat! I’ve been eating too much I feel! I feel full almost all the time! Which is weird! Like right now, I feel full! But then I’ll be hungry within an hour or so! Also, I need to work on portion control! I need to watch my portions! There’s just so much that I need to work on! Why did I inherit my mother’s fat genes!

I guess one of us had to inherit them! My older brother got the muscle genes! He is naturally muscular! Always has been! My little brother inherited the skinny gene! He’s always been slender, and as he got older and matured he got more definition in his body! Me on the other hand, I ended up with the fat genes! The ones that gave me a fat ass and a belly at the age of 12! Grr! I dislike my brothers! Assholes! Ha ha!

But yeah, I guess some of us just have to work harder than others! Not fair!

Anyways, in other news, I’m reading this book on teen vegetarians! It’s like a guide of some sorts! Pretty good! I need to make copies of some pages regarding vitamins and minerals… I need something like that because I need to be sure that I’m getting all my nutrients! So far though, so good! I think I’m going to give up on going Vegan… I just don’t think I’ll be able to do it! I was only going to try it for a month,  but now I don’t know if I’m really going to want to do it! Maybe if I take  steps into doing it… Maybe I’ll ease myself into it! Remove an item of dairy once a month! I actually haven’t had eggs in a while! Actually, never mind, I have! I did the toher week or so when we went to Denny’s! Speaking of which , I want another Slamburger! Yummey! See! Food is my weakness!

I wrote in my journal about how I need to be stricter with myself about food! I haven’t been strict and have been pretty lenient with what I eat… But I’ll work on that this month! Hmm, today is the 1st of May! My challenge officially begins! As of today, I have 30 days to make it to 155 or 150!

I guess my blog wouldn’t be complete without me mentioning Jonathon Waud! Ha ha! Yeah, he’s still on my desktop! I saw the show last night! He took such a great pic… Why he didn’t win the challenge is beyond me! I guess Sandhurst’s pic was pretty good, but I like Jonathon’s better! He looked more cowboyish than Sandhurst did! Ruggued too! Ha ha!


I mean loot at him, he can pull anything off! I think I found my new favorite model! Ha ha, ya think! I think I’ll be pretty upset if he doesn’t win… But then the reamining models are all pretty good looking so It’s anyones game at this point! I really like Salome! And Branden is pretty good Too! I like Jordan too, but I don’t like her attitude! Grr!

As for America’s Next Top Model, I’m indifferent with it! The only girl on there that I really like is Allison! I think she has what it takes to make it… The other girls! I don’t know! Fo, too short, Celia, looks like a lioness, Teyona, ok, she might make it, Aminant, No Comment! Is that all that’s left? Damn, the season is going by quick! I feel like I’m leaving one out! Who… That other girl went home already, and I didn’t really like her… She didn’t have anything special!

Allison, her eyes are big and intense… She has a different look! I think she would go far! Still, my favorite ANTM girl will always be Elyse Sewell… Which I think she should of won! How did she not win I do not know! I still read her blog, although she hasn’t posted anything new in a while! Darn it girl, get on with it, I need something to read!

Ok, I’m not writing about anything in particular anymore! I’m just bored and I’m passing the time! I think I’m avoiding eating! Or maybe I’m just biding my time till I get hungry! Bleh! Still haven’t decided what I’m going to eat, if I decide to eat! Shucks! Whatever! I’m gonna watch a show now!


So I’ve been a little bored lately and I’m doing a little more reading and a little more music downloading too! I’m checking out shows too so that’s all good too!

I mentioned some shows that I’m currently watching in my previous post, but what about my music! I’ll share that in a bit!


Yeah, I’m currently reading Running With Scissors! So funny! Omg, I was cracing up the other day in public! Ha ha! But yeah, it’s pretty good! I likes it!

Anyways, music! downloaded some new tunes! I know, I’m always late with music but some of these are kind of new… Kind of I guess! I’m loving Whatever Lola Wants! It’s a remixed version with Gotan Project who I love listening too! It has this very sexy electronic twist to it that only Gotan Project knows how to add! I so want to buy their newer album, which came out back in 2006! But anyways, some other songs included in the new playlist are from Lady Gaga, Flo Rida and this new artist that I was introduced to by, Meiko! I really like the song by Meiko, Boys With Girlfriends! Pretty good and sweet song! Anyways, here’s the playlist instead of me telling you about it! Hope y’all like! Just click on the link to check out my new playlist!